
Municipal data

Municipal area: 57, 16 km²
of which 650 ha are in the national park area Zitzmannsdorfer Wiesen

Altitude: 131 m
Population: 10,470
Main residence: 8,698 (as of 22 February 2022)
Second home: 1770
Households: 4.459

Province: Burgenland
Political district: Neusiedl am See ( ND)
Postcode : 7100
Geographical position : 47° 962342' north latitude 16° 820068' east longitude
Municipal code : 10713


District suburb, district court, district administration

9 schools
3 kindergartens


Approx. 700 guest beds with around 60,000 overnight stays
Partner Cities
Deggendorf, Mosonmagyaróvár, Pezinok


A4 motorway - Exit 43
S-Bahn connection Neusiedl am See - Vienna every hour
Bus connection Eisenstadt and Seewinkel Near Vienna Airport - Schwechat approx. 30 km